Cove Green Washable Rug

Our Cove Green rug is unique in design and color and is certain to offer an element of personality as well as refined style in many upscale, residential interiors. You can also make the contemporary and stylish Cove Green rug the cornerstone of your new décor. This eye-catching rug in light and dark grey is both durable and attractive and will retain its original beauty in the most active environments.


Each rug consists of non-allergenic, stain-resistant 100% microfiber polyester, including a waterproof inner liner and a non-slip, patent-pending, webbed back. Plus, our revolutionary pet and family-friendly design makes our rugs easy to care for; simply throw them in any standard sized washer and dryer.

Our Difference:-

My Magic Carpet is a machine-washable, single-piece nonslip rug which is lightweight and perfectly fits into your washing machine.

Simply put it in the washing machine and voila! You have a new looking and hygienic rug in its perfect shape in minimal time . What more can you ask for?

Keep your pets close to you, inside your living space without worrying about their dander, mess, spills and accidents. Let them sit on this cozy, clean, hygienic and comfortable rug and fully enjoy your time with your pets.

Wash it whenever needed with detergent just like you wash your laundry. No more expenses of hiring a carpet cleaner or bringing it to a dry cleaner


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